Thursday, March 10, 2016

When God Gives You More Than You Can Handle (and He will)

In the middle of a busy week the last thing I thought was coming was a phone call that my dad was in the hospital from a bicycle accident. I looked up, angrily crying at God and asked, "Why?" And while this hasn't been the worst time of my life, its hasn't been easy. But it did get me thinking about my worst time.

 What was the worst time of your life? What was the day, the experience, the year, or the person that made you look up, angrily shaking your fist at God and ask, "What are you doing? Why me?" Maybe it was a time from your childhood, maybe it was a person that was a horrible influence on you, or maybe you're going through an awful experience right now. Despite when this time was or will be for you, there is one steady truth about the worst time in our lives--we all have one.

I don't like to think about mine, and when I do remember it, when it sneaks up on my train of thought during the day, I immediately think two things: 1. I think about how awful it was/how much it hurt me. 2. I ask myself: How in the world did I get through that? And looking back, I know the answer, which is that God of course helped me through it and was holding me up the whole time. However, the worst time of my life is pretty far removed from me now, and I recently fell into a trap of thinking nothing bad would ever knock at my door again. It didn't help that I found a quote that I became quickly obsessed with that fed me a lie about bad times in life.

I'm embarrassed to tell you that the quote I am about to share is ironically one that I pinned on one of my Pinterest boards a few short months ago. I found such comfort in it. I loved it. I remembered it easily and would go back to it all the time like a Bible verse. It made me feel like this type of armor was around me, as if I were completely untouchable. I felt strong and happy, but the promise made through this quote is unfortunately a very empty one. So, here it is:

"God will never give you anything you can't handle." 

Isn't it great? It's empowering, beautiful, and promises such a bright and wonderful future. Here's the kicker: I went to a women's conference earlier this year and the speaker basically called BS on this quote, and I am too.

Throughout the history of the Bible, the history of the world, and even of history of my own life this quote is far from the truth. 

Do you think that Abraham, ready to sacrifice Isaac, looked up to the heavens, knife in hand, and said, "Hey Lord, thanks for not pushing me too far on this one." ???  I'm going to guess probably not.

Do you think that Job, covered in bloody blisters, alone, homeless, "abandoned by God," being tortured by Satan, asked God for just a couple more sores because he knew he hadn't had enough??? I'm going to say no again.

When I was in my darkest, most empty place, I can tell you with utmost honesty and confidence that I did not look up and say, "Thank you God for giving me just enough that I can handle."

Now, this moment is where a lot of Christians give up. It's where I did. At nine years old, during the worst time of my life, I could not fathom a God who "loved me" yet still let me feel so much loneliness and pain. People often ask these same questions about other awful things such as: "Why does God let horrible things happen?" "What kind of God allows things like ISIS and 9/11, poverty and slavery?" These questions that so many of us ask and mourn are the same ones that make the quote above so, so terribly incorrect. God WILL allow you to get way more than you can handle, He always has and he always will. However, the moments when you've been given too much, and you hit your knees, are the same moments God is waiting for you to come to him with all your baggage and problems. God had to let evil into this world so that you would lean on him, genuinely. He created a God-shaped hole within you, so that when nothing else in this world filled it, He could.

"God will never give you anything you can't handle, without HIM."

When you're about to give up, know there is a God who never will. When you can't deal with what's ahead, know there is a God that is completely able to tackle anything you've got. Go tackle life, with God.

infinite X's and O's.